Genesis 22:1-14: revival week at payap

Monday, August 07, 2006

revival week at payap

today's the start of revival week at payap. thank God for the opportunity to go classes with the campus crusade ppl. when i first saw these grp of ppl, i was pretty apprehensive abt joining them because they looked really unapproachable. but all it took was for bro nat to introduce me to the rest and by the end of the day, i had gotten to know 3 of them pretty well. during one-on-one conversations with them, they shared with me how God called them into full-time service with campus crusade, how they faced parental objections at first, etc...i shared how i always feel like God's calling but m uncertain, or maybe unwilling...they encouraged me with God's word, reminded me that if God calls, no matter how much i run, He'll still get me...and one thing tt struck me - it's a privilege to be chosen by God to do His work.

well, it was really wonderful to be used by God at payap today. when i went with the first team to a class of abt 17 students, someone shared her testimony of salvation, anor shared a message on "Love because..." while i shared a story towards the end of our session. the response slips showed 2 ppl prayed to recieve Christ. the 2nd team i went with was to a class of supposedly 58 students...but only abt half turned up. it wasn't a bad thing though, cos at least we know these were the ppl interested or at least bothered to come hear us. this time, i shared the story and my testimony of salvation. truth be told, i was so scared i tried to find excuses to skip my turn...but thank God, i wasn't as afraid as i was during the first session (my hands were trembling as i was folding the paper to demonstrate something during the story!). once again, the response slips showed 2 ppl praying to recieve Christ. i asked bro nat how many students recieve Christ during revival week each year...he said there were 200 last year. sadly tho, not many of them receieve follow-ups. my prayer is, this year, more effort would be put in to follow-up on the students who make a decision to follow Christ.

1 impt thing to thank God for - my voice! yesterday we went out for dinner. john wanted macs but when we got there, there was nothing but fried chicken, fries & drinks. apparently there was an electricity cut the night before and they had to move all their foods to anor outlet (there are only 2 macs in chiangmai btw). fried chicken was already bad for my throat, but to make matters worse, when it came to my turn, there were only spicy ones left! sis pat felt it wasn't a coincidence and tt satan's prolly trying to keep me from testifying at payap. so i said "well, he can't, cos i need an interpreter so i'll type out my testimony anyway". then at the supermarket, a trolley ran over my last toe and it started bleeding! this time, sis pat joked, "looks like satan is gng all out to silence you!" last night, i prayed & trusted God for my voice to 'come back'. it's evident who gained the victory this time : ) although my voice sounds reaaaally hoarse (sis pat commented tt some ppl might just wonder if i were a trans...haa), i thank God i got back 'enoough' voice to last me thru the 2 sessions! : ) praise the Lord!

p.s. pls continue to pray for me (my voice & for me to be courageous) and the various teams gng around payap to share & testify...and for God to prepare the hearts of the students who will hear us share. thanks! (",)


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