super long entry
it's luz jie jie's birthday today! it's the 18th time we've celebrated her birthday and this might be the last cos she's gonna go back to the philippines to get married! blessed birthday to luz jie jie...

blessed birthday luz jie jie! (mommy didn't wanna be in the pic tho...)
the past 3 days have been really eventful. which explains why i've been so tired...just realised tt i've announced being tired the most no. of times this year. *lol* but i thank God for renewed strength each morning.
sat was a mad rush. forced myself to get up at 9.30am to practise the piano for sunday worship service, went to suntec to get clothes for michelle & yew kiat's wedding, attended their wedding & helped usher, rushed off for appt at 7pm to cut my hair, and finally met up with some gtfers for ice cream : )
just thank God for mommy. was gonna go suntec alone but she agreed to accompany me. and pay for my clothes too. m sure u noe abt the one-dollar deal at crepes & cream at citylink. i got the both of us an ice cream and tt was only $2 spent. in less than an hour, mommy spent at least $150 on me. i felt like a cheapo.
after some rough calculation, realised tt mommy has spent close to $300 on me just this week. yes, shame on me. i've resolved not to spend too much money next month (other than on christmas presents/cards). even if i do, it's gonna come outta my own pocket. just pray tt God will help me to practise self-control...

michelle & me

mommy & i
sunday was great too. wanna thank God also for seeing me thru sunday worship service. i was so freaked out tt i couldn't step on the pedal while playing the piano cos my leg shivered big time each time i stepped on it : most impt of all, thank God eugene made it to church this week : ) thank God also for seeing mag, alan, fiona & i thru the filming session on sunday afternoon. guess it was a good thing God sent the rain cos it made me stop tinking abt gng swimming & we managed to get pretty much done. thank God also for the actors who sacrificed their time willingly, really : )
mon nite was michelle & yew kiat's wedding dinner. had a really good time with the lovely (and crazy) ppl [dear, lynda, ben, joe, joanne sim, jonathan, stanley, 'cher & josiah] at my table. the threesome's acts were just really crazy as well. it got the guys at the table trying to discover their 'talents' [stuff like twisting of thumbs, wrists, index fingers, fork etc] it was just madness. but well, m sure we all had fun & i bet we were the noisiest table arnd. best thing of all, dear & i were caught on camera doing something really stupid. yes, those of you who know abt it, go ahead. laff. -.-

from left []at grand corpthorne waterfront hotel

me with the 3 pretty girls

beautiful christmas tree at the entrance

THANKS STANLEY for taking this shot
'cher gave dear & i a ride home and we just started talking abt previous camps we've had. i was just laughing non-stop at how we always got into fights and of cos, how silly those fights were...the one at sentosa 3 years back sure brought back lotsa memories. esp how the guys & girls had a big argument and weren't talking on the day before camp... *lol* just wonder if any of you ytfers still remember tt..? well, if you don't, here's a hint...remember the grocery shopping trip to giant's........? *winks*
growing up. together. next time we have a quarrel, perhaps we should all bear in mind despite how not-funny it is, we're prolly gonna laugh abt it years later... : ) churchies, just wanna say i love u all so much...i really do.
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