Genesis 22:1-14: i pray you read this

Thursday, June 23, 2005

i pray you read this

God the Holy Spirit speaks to us in our minds, striving for our attention. He speaks to us through God's Word and through other ppl. the voice of the Holy Spirit says to us to listen to God's way and trust in Him. but becos satan also speaks inside our minds, sometimes it seems as if a war is going on inside of us. the voices of satan and his demons say "don't listen to God's message" and tries to tell us we can get along without God. but if you refuse to listen to God and believe, the voice of the Spirit which has been talking to you, may leave. His voice may not always keep trying to make you believe God and if you refuse to agree with Him and believe His message, His voice may become quieter and quieter...and God will let you go YOUR own way...
when a person's heart no longer listens to God, the bible calls this a hardened heart. this is terribly grievous to God, for He knows that when a person dies with a hardened heart, he will go into everlasting punishment to be separated from God forever.
God says in ezekiel 33:11, "...I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn frm his way and live; turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die..?"
you know, God told noah to take his family and the chosen animals into the finished boat. why did noah obey God? he didn't have to. but noah believed God, so he obeyed. God saved him becos noah agreed with and trusted in God.
likewise, you don't have to obey God. you can do things your way, make your own choices, but i have one question for you: do you believe in God?
read genesis 7:15,16. noah and his family went into the ark through the one door which God had told noah to make. this was the only way anyone could be saved from the flood and God's wrath against sin. tt's becos man can only come to God according to God's will and plan. do you want to come to God, or run away from Him just becos you don't want to do things God's way?


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