dinner & ice-cream fellowship :]

thank God for a meaningful and well-spent friday night with karen. it was a blessed time of fellowship as we shared about how God has been working in our lives (and of those whom we hold dear to us), burdens/desires of our hearts, etc...and even some lil secrets :b
we had a good time of sharing not only over the dinner table at botak jones, but also during "ice-cream fellowship" at my home...till almost 4am! she's really one friend with whom i can be in heartfelt conversation (and not just small-talk!) with for hours and still not run out of things to talk abt.
there are lots to say, but to sum it all up, i really thank God for how He has blessed this friendship between us and i pray that as we put aside time to meet up (at least) once a month, our friendship will continue to grow stronger...and may the things we talk abt and/or things we do tgt be God-glorifying and edifying to each other :]
thank you karen ;)
waa! how did that pic got up there!!!
by the way i havent had the opportunity to ask him :P
but i had a blessed time at yf on sat and mon night class!:P
And thank you too gwyneth, the post was really sweet, but i guess it was so cos you're just being you.
Thanking the Lord for you and the time we had!:)
it got up there because...i put it there! :b hmmm...tell me bout it when you finally get to ask then, hahaha...
m really thankful for you and the time we had too. looking forward to our next meeting! and heyyyy...how come ALWAYS i choose? you trying to trick me right!
lol...OEI...karen suggested the place the last time leh, and she's so kind she's giving gwyneth ONE MONTH to come up with another....:P
No excuse gwyneth. ;P
*ops...pls dont do this to me the next time*
hahaha, aaaawwww...so sweet of karen!~ hmmm...it'd be even sweeter if she chose the next place right? haha...eh, depends on what time we meet the next one...
hmmm...don't do what lehhh?
has gwyneth thought of where to go alr?
yeshhh my dear karen...how about a walk to make up for all the food we've been stuffing ourselves with? ;) when is miss karen available??
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