Genesis 22:1-14: God is our Protector

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

God is our Protector

sure i've seen/heard it on tv so many times, but it's the first time i've ever heard the sound of screeching tyres and metal crashing against metal today - in person. and..i was in the car too.

today was supposedly the team's last opportunity to attend prayer meeting with the missionaries/tentmakers. we were travelling home for dinner but met with an accident along the way. our small mira collided into a truck when it overtook us from the left and stopped abruptly in front of us. the bonnet of our car was smashed, but thank God the car engine still ran and we were able to return home, called the insurance agent and went to the police station to make a report.

i thank God for His mercies upon me, eugene, nelson and bro nat this evening - for keeping us alive, from serious injuries. it's really by His grace and protection tt we were not hurt, considering tt the mira's so old, the backseats didn't have belts and the front seats had belts tt hung loosely...and honestly, i was really really afraid when the car was abt to collide. when bro nat hit the brakes, i knew we weren't gonna stop on time...and i wondered if we'd crash thru the front windscreen, you know, the feeling you get when you're in a near-death situation. i guess we must have been really shocked, but m thankful we weren't hurt...thank God, too, tt anor truck behind us didn't knock into us or eugene & i might have suffered from whiplash...

most of all, i thank God for the reminder tt as we are actively serving God, satan's also actively working against us, desperately trying to distract us. but we can know for sure, tt God would never let us be tempted beyond what we can bear...and even though we go thru difficult situations like this, we can look to God, remember tt the joy of the Lord is our strength and...move on.

"and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." romans 8:28


At 12:00 am, Blogger Stan said...

Truly safety is in the hands of our Almighty God! All praise to Him for keeping watch over all of you as you serve and witness for Him on this trip! Continuing to keep you guys in prayer sister!


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