Genesis 22:1-14: 1st sunrise service on our roof gdn

Sunday, April 11, 2004

1st sunrise service on our roof gdn

i'm listening to: We Are the Reason -Avalon

for the first time today, Galilee was heard singing hymns on our very new-but-not-completed roof garden at 6.30am! haa...this year's sunrise service was really different...instead of reaching church by 5.45am to catch a bus to lower pierce, we started at 6.30am at sight of the sun rising but we got to watch the moon reservoir this year, but God gave us little puddles of water to make up for it ;) just wanna thank God for our new church building & its facilities like the roof garden...and most imptly, for hope of new eternal life when Jesus rose from the grave on this very special morning... crucified, arose is playing in my head again...

"...Love crucified, arose, the risen One in splendour...Jehovah's sole Defender has won the victory...Love crucified, arose, and the grave became a place of hope, for the heart that sin & sorrow broke, is beating once again..."

Christ is risen!
Christ is risen indeed!