2 nights with the Lawa hilltribe
15th December 2007with much reluctance, i boarded the truck headed for the Lawa tribe up in the mountains, with 11 other members from our team...whilst the rest stayed behind in chiangmai, looking forward to hearing us share our experience with them when we return in 3 days (and 2 nights)' time. wondered if i made the right decision by agreeing to make this 7-hr trip up there and whether i knew what i was really in for...esp when i knew i wasn't gonna bathe for the next couple of days! =/
samson, myself, daryl, allvina & rev dave
16th December 2007
just 1 night with the Lawa people and i could already feel their love for us. they have so little, yet they're so willing to share with us the little they have and need, unlike us who are so used to sharing with others, usually only what we don't need...thank God for the time annabel, allvina and i had with our hosts last night, even though i felt what some of the things we did were really hilarious and/or ridiculous, like how we filed into the kitchen area while our hosts were boiling pig's food, sat in a row in front of them and very abruptly started singing "Christmas pen wela". goodness, i felt utterly ridiculous when i saw the -_-" look on their faces while we were singing. oh...and then, i had the, erm...privilege of trying on their traditional costume with annabel and allvina teasing me abt how my hosts might be trying to make me marry their son while she happily piled my neck with those accessories...and boy, i was sure stunned for a moment when she showed me a family photo and pointed out her son. my turn to -_-"

we also attended worship service with the Lawa believers. sang "we are one in the bond of love". truly, though we're of different nationalities, races and speak different languages, we're one in Christ. felt very privileged to worship with these ppl this sunday morning.
was reminded of these verses:
"there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus". Galations 3:28 "there is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all". Ephesians 4:4-6
was reminded of these verses:
"there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus". Galations 3:28 "there is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all". Ephesians 4:4-6
17th December 2007
as we said our goodbyes, i really felt ashamed of myself and regretted even feeling the least bit reluctant abt coming to visit the Lawa believers. and i really thank God i came...it's been a very humbling trip for me. we came hoping to show them Christ's love but they showed us love so great that we were truly put to shame. i somehow wished i had the simplicity they have in their lives, not distracted by the cares and materialism of the world that i live in...God-willing, i really pray i'll get an opportunity to see these brothers/sisters-in-Christ again this lifetime. but like i told my hosts...if we don't meet again on this earth, i'll see them up there in our eternal Home.

allvina, annabel and myself with our hosts outside their home

allvina, annabel and myself with our hosts outside their home
thanks for the post!
it reminds me so much of the time i had with the people of Kenya!
Indeed, theres so much more work to do in the mission fields.. and sometimes just because of comforts, we forgo,forget and disobey the great commission. Indeed, all of us have to ask ourselves if we are willing to let go of the things of this earth, to pick up our cross in pursuing after the things of eternal value. May God bless you as you walk step by step, trusting Him daily to lead you to His will for your life.
p/s: Church is slowly becoming not only a fervent praying Church.. but a happy singing church again! Let's continue to pray for our church..
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