childhood days
today was really fun after gtf. was pretty disappointed by many stuff before and during ex-co meeting. but thank God my day actually ended with a happy note! learnt lotsa stuff too...and thank God for rev ong's reminder that we shouldn't go to church only when we feel like it becos we've been so blessed. others in places like vietnam, they hafta worship God secretly...thank God that we can go to church freely...yup, so i pray that we'll always cherish this blessing... : )
oh, and tt eugene just told me tt the 6km is not half of the half army marathon leh! oh well...nm la. nice title so i'll just leave yesterday's post alone.
anyway, went to the playground with lydia after gtf while everyone was still snacking away in the fellowship hall. we tried climbing to sit on the top of the monkey bar and got youren to take pictures for us. cos of tt, ss came along and guess wat? he suggested playing "shark & dolphin"! m actually wondering wat's wrong with ss today. he was soooo 'on' the whole day can...haaa...thanks ss!
playing "shark & dolphin" really reminded me of our childhood days. how we always ran to the playground after sunday school classes. all the games we "police & thief", "freeze & melt" KIDS. haaa...most ppl would prolly tink we're being childish now. but no...a simple thing like tt actually made my day. it really did. i really thank God for tt precious time we had's just some pics : )
lydia & i successfully seated at the top of the monkey bar! hooray!
hey, big feat u noe. considering tt we haven't done this in YEARS
ss joining us at the playground. WOW can...haa...
anyway, went to the playground with lydia after gtf while everyone was still snacking away in the fellowship hall. we tried climbing to sit on the top of the monkey bar and got youren to take pictures for us. cos of tt, ss came along and guess wat? he suggested playing "shark & dolphin"! m actually wondering wat's wrong with ss today. he was soooo 'on' the whole day can...haaa...thanks ss!
playing "shark & dolphin" really reminded me of our childhood days. how we always ran to the playground after sunday school classes. all the games we "police & thief", "freeze & melt" KIDS. haaa...most ppl would prolly tink we're being childish now. but no...a simple thing like tt actually made my day. it really did. i really thank God for tt precious time we had's just some pics : )

lydia & i successfully seated at the top of the monkey bar! hooray!

hey, big feat u noe. considering tt we haven't done this in YEARS

ss joining us at the playground. WOW can...haa...
lydia, youren & me (3 cute monkeys)

ss: get away from me!

eeeks, get away from daniel! he's the shark!

josiah and i trying to get away from ss the stu- err, shy shark.

tt's me! lydia calls me STRONG gwyn! :D

friends forever.
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