Genesis 22:1-14: jiaming's testimony

Monday, January 16, 2006

jiaming's testimony

here's something my friend (who's studying in the US now) shared with me this afternoon and well, i've got his permission to post his testimony on my blog :)

"hey!!! i have another testimony to share...on fri, i lost my cell phone...i was very depressed and disappointed with myself for losing my cell again...however i started praying abit unwilling n trusting in God that he will provide....never did i realise when i check my voice mail today, a friend of mine found my phone!!! PAISE GOD!!!! i must say many times i really dont have the strength of living over here with so many daily situations n difficulties i'm facing...but god is good by been my real just filled with awe...."

a few things to thank God for:
1. charissa's salvation : ) i thank God for the opportunity to share the gospel with her and the privilege of leading her to Christ yesterday! she's the first soul i've led to Christ for the year 2006! i praise and thank God for His grace & mercy towards her...i thank God too, for giving me wisdom and right words to say to her :)

2. today's been a pretty pleasant day. well, the kids have settled down (no more crying) and getting a lil more obedient (my afternoon class) and i thank God for tt...i thank God too for mrs phua, auntie shelly and zheng lao shi for helping me with my kids' arts and crafts while m helping the small grps with their worksheets :) it makes a big difference.

3. a wonderful time over dinner and coffee with clarence this evening...(altho he always calls me ******) and for his dad who was really nice to send me all the way home...thanks, clarence!


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