if i could turn back time...
been clearing my room for the past 2 days and this evening, i finally came to sorting my letters. i decided to transfer the really old ones into anor box and in the midst of it, i couldn't help but go thru some of those letters. looking at them...i cried and laughed at the same time. at letters written by friends who used to be so close but i barely know now, letterS from a friend who used to sign off as "shelia xie" but over the years, now signs off as "dear". and then i couldn't help but laugh at the stuff tt we used to write on...many acs(i) foolscap papers, postcards, but the best of all was a page torn off a zuo[4] wen [2] bu[4] (chinese composition book with squares) from dear old josiah. i still remember i wrote back using a graph paper for 'revenge'. haha...but wait, then again, there was one written on a receipt! (hais, don't worry mag, i won't tell everyone it was you who did tt)then there were lovely christmas cards, birthday cards, ang-pows i kept because of the wishes & notes written on them. 1 ang-pow read "big big ang pow for you!" from my 3rd aunt who stuffed a smaller one into this big one cos i had told her she'd better give me a big one (i was obviously talking abt the $) -.-" but a birthday card from beishan & qihui in sec 1 was the one tt really brought back memories. beishan had drawn a picture of 3 of us - all bespectacled & with short-hair...& on the right-hand side was our dear mr chua sticking his head into the card, with finger on his lips, gng "sshhh". guess only beishan & qihui will know wat's so funny abt it when they read this...then again, they don't know of this blog. ha. o well...

if i could turn back time...just "IF"...i would want to go back to my sec sch days...i don't mind the o levels. i just wanna relive my days as a tanglinian, and a almost-hyper-active-never-will-say-m-tired YTFer...
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