sunday school camp'06
thank God for a meaningful week spent at ss camp. it's been wonderful working with the grp "growth" and i really thank God for each of them: samuel (i/c), jasmine (2i/c), shaun teo, isaac, seth, alicia, grace, beatrice, ian, korina & shaun tan :) this grp is always eager to learn and thus the decision to name them "most teachable grp at camp". thank God for His guidance as i followed this grp around for activities, led them in morning devotions and "connect" sessions, with my co-mentor josiah. thank God for their attentiveness during "connect" & of cos, alex for sharing his craft ideas with the juniors' mentors :) i thank our Sovereign God too, who granted us good weather thru the camp. it is def not by chance, but by divine intervention tt on the 1st 2 days it didn't rain in the afternoon during our hike & swimming carnival, but rained at tt time on the 4th day so we could have our campfire at nite! :) i enjoyed being with the teens/children - not just those from my grp - and i really appreciated how they made me so comfortable being with them. it was also exciting to see how the members of "growth" grow over the 5 days at camp and one thing i really need to thank God for would be how they've applied what i shared with them during one morning devotion, tt is, to give God the glory when they recieve praise, instead of just saying "thanks" or worse, rejecting the praise. God also proved Himself real to them when they gained victory during games, esp during the skit. they won not because they were good, but because they prayed and committed them into God's hands :)
campers with speakers : )


campers with pastors : )

camp counsellors & mentors

grp "growth"!
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