wait till zer sees this
am a streats reader...not!!!
okay...i know this looks retarded...haharz...but oh well...melissa suddenly got into this hey-let's-take-photos-leh mood when we sitting outside one stop services'...
anyway, today's been a pretty good day. got home to find jing (my neighbour) sitting at my piano cos he was locked out of his home...and after a while, eve called to say she wanna come over...so the whole time since i got home, i'd had a fren over...dexian came over for tuition too...(yay! gonna get my pay!) now eve's gone. but dear's here!!! yay!!! haven't had her stay over in a long time!
but sad thing is...she's here cos we're gonna be at airport before 7.15am to see zer off...i wish she didn't hafta go all the way there...if only. : (
oh well...i'll just hafta look forward to her next trip back...zer, if u're reading this, u'll prolly be in dublin already...hope you ain't angry tt we went to the airport!!! we really wanted to see you off...anyway..here's a blessing for you, zer:
may God Who is your Refuge & Strength bless you and keep you.
may He make His face to shine on you & be gracious to you.
may He lift up His countenance on you & give you peace
because you can do all things thru Christ Who gives you strength.
hmm...sheesh. just suddenly forgot wat i wanted to share tonite...oh well. just wanna thank God for being so real to me... : )
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