
"Where were You?"
reading parts of the book of Job last week while doing my precept hw, and reading "Where is God when it Hurts?" by Philip Yancey...i can't help but recall a conversation i had with a then friend on the bus home. my schoolmate had sent me a song composed by someone from his cell group, and i thought it was a good one. i remember letting that friend listen to it from my mp3 player, but to my surprise, not only did he disagree it was nice, he laughed at the lyrics, and said it didn't make sense. he commented that the person was asking God where He was when he most needed Him, but instead of answering the person's question, God asked him a series of questions. well, at that point, i was actually speechless. well, today i would very much want to tell that friend that he was wrong and he shouldn't have been so quick to judge...cos i know to say this would be really bad, but i really think...it just displays to clearly his quick-to-judge attitude despite ignorance. oh well. anyway, in the book of Job, Job had questioned God on his sufferings. however, God swept Job with a series of questions - not answers. God took Job on a verbal tour of all the wonders of nature and after each description, he either stated or implied, "Job, are you powerful enough to do all these?" God's words hit Job with a devastating power which prompted a repentant surrender...
well, that's what the song my friend sent to me was all about...and after understanding the book of Job a little more, i not only think the tune and lyrics are nice. "nice" isn't sufficient. it's a beautiful song, penned by someone who shows knowledge and understanding of God's word :)
"a God wise enough to rule the universe is wise enough to watch over His child Job, regardless of how things seem in the bleakest moments. a God wise enough to create me and the world i live in is wise enough to watch out for me." Philip Yancey in Where is God when it Hurts?
Pra Jao ying yai!
it's true that only God can soften the hardest hearts...and if He wants you, no matter where you run, how long you run, He's gonna get you :)
my heart's full of joy as i write this entry. exactly a week ago i was feeling so sad for a friend lying in ICU, looking so helpless...today, i write to share of how God not only healed him physically, but spiritually too. as i sat by my friend's bed hearing him share of how God answered when he, semi-conscious and not able to move, cried out to God in the emergency room to give him anor chance to do all that he has not done...how he was introduced to Jesus at age 4, yet took 20 years before he finally acknowledged God in his life...i was simply overwhelmed with joy. oh there's so much to share, but you'll really have to hear it from his mouth to feel the joy that flooded my heart earlier this evening!
we had gone with no intentions to talk abt spiritual stuff, and just wanted to be simply there for him as his friends...instead, he was the one who started sharing abt his salvation and how God has been real to him :)
just so thankful to God for answering our prayers by giving my friend a second chance to come to know Him...i really thank God for being Jehovah-Rapha (the God Who is able to wound and able to heal) to my friend and above all, for the salvation of my friend's soul! :)
nelson and i were (almost) yelling as we walked down the corridor... "Pra Jao ying yai!"
get well soon.
my heart just ached when i saw you at the ICU today. that was simply too much for any man to bear...but i believe, that God must have His reasons for allowing this to happen, and the God i know is a God who will not let anyone be tempted beyond what he can bear. and the fact that He heard our pleas for Him to have mercy and brought you out of that emergency room alive, shows that He's not done with you yet...He has a purpose in mind for you, m sure. and we're all praying that you'll not only get well physically, mentally and emotionally...but see the need to put your trust in the only One Who will never fail you, and surrender your life to Him Who is able to make you whole.
psalm 119:71
earthly friends may prove untrue
doubts and fears assail
One still loves and cares for you
One who will not fail...
Jesus never fails, Jesus never fails
heaven and earth may pass away
but Jesus never fails.
earthly friends may prove untrue...but One still loves and cares for me...and Jesus never fails.