gwyn: try the mango milk ice
lydia: is it hot?
God's my daddy's Jehovah-Jireh too!
at 11.30am this morning, papa was desperately trying to call for a cab to come at 12nn, but somehow none of the cab services responded. he needed to speak to an operator cos he wanted a 7-seater to fit his 1.5m box for his friend. saw papa rubbing his forehead cos he was having a headache. so i said, "pray" & he did. soon, a lady picked up & said if he were to book now, it'd be $16 more, book at 12nn and it'll be $8 more. so we decided to lunch first.
during lunch, while saying grace, i asked God to "help daddy get a cab easily later". and wow-wee, God sure made it easy for us. while walking back home, we saw a cab driver waiting by his taxi & we approached him. he agreed to wait for us while we get changed, before driving us to the airport! not only tt, his boot was totally empty, giving us enough space to fit the 1.5m box in perfectly! praise the Lord!
so tt's 2 problems down. anor prob: papa's overweight, becos of the box for his friend. so we prayed tt God would provide someone along the way, kind enough to share baggage load. we approached this man in the queue, who said he was heading to frankfurt. wat a pity...but the moment we turned around, this man was walking in to the queue and before we said anything to him, he said "yes, i heard you"...and he agreed to share baggage weight with papa! so all's clear in s'pore. and not only were we not late, papa even had spare time to have coffee with me at starbucks! haa...we then prayed tt over on vietnam's side, papa wouldn't be taxed.
hours later, when papa called from vietnam, he said they didn't tax him! isn't God wonderful? thank God for being my daddy's Jehovah-Jireh by providing a cab and a man to share his baggage load, and even allowed him to avoid being taxed for the huge box he was carrying! praise the Lord! wheeeeeeee~
my poly clique get-tgt : )

mel, gwyn, yenting & jiahui at sizzler...oei, OUR 1st time at singapore's sizzler lehh... :b
God will take care of me.
today, while on a bus to town with ric, i had the most heartwarming moment with papa over the phone. for the first time, papa asked to pray with me over the phone. actually, it was the first time he even asked to pray with me. "maybe you could close your eyes now, and we will pray now over the phone. daddy will pray," he said to me. as he prayed, while nodding in agreement, tears of joys flooded my eyes. as papa said "in Jesus' name we pray, amen.", i could hear his voice breaking down too. i know being human, papa is afraid too...but this time, he's placing me in God's hands. if there's one thing i must thank God for despite what He's putting me thru now, it has to be the faith tt papa has in God now. it brings great joy to my heart seeing how my father is now learning to put his trust in our Heavenly Father...and i'll never forget what he said to me 4 days ago, when even tho i was afraid deep inside, i told him i'd be fine. papa said to me over the phone, "yes. for sure you'll be fine. God will take care of my girl."
sweet hour of prayer
31st dec 2006
11.45pm, galilee bp church fellowship hall
as the nation waited for the arrival of the new year, most people were partying at different countdown venues or waiting in anticipation for the fireworks display in town. however, away from all the partying and merry-making, in galilee, a small church in pandan gardens, a quiet area of singapore, sat a group of youths (and young-at-hearts!) on the floor of their fellowship hall. present were, the tan family (uncle siong teck, auntie christine, daryl, clarissa, matthew), the twins (sis karina & charissa), hannah, shelia, gwyneth, allvina, josiah, daniel, johnathan, jonathan, jasmine & jaime. they sat in a circle, along with the strumming of 2 guitars, they sang with all their hearts, filled with joy & grateful for all that their Lord has done for them. they sang old YF/sun sch songs like "He's everything to me", "the countdown", and not forgetting 2 familiar medleys known as "sambal rojak" and the "cliff college medley".
just 30 seconds before midnight, this small group stopped singing, waited quietly, and prepared to start counting down. as the nation started counting down from 10 seconds, they started counting too. but when the hp "clock" struck 12, while the nation screamed and shouted "happy new year"s to everyone and anyone around them, this group of youths who wanted to start off the year doing something meaningful, immediately got on their knees, as jonathan, followed by uncle siong teck, led them in prayer. while the nation ushered in the new year with fireworks, screams, and whatnots, this group ushered in the new year...with a word of prayer to the One whom they know would lead them on...into year 2007.
"some thru the waters, some thru the floods. some thru the fire, but all thru the blood. some thru great sorrow, but God gives a the night season, and all the day long..." yes, God will lead us, His dear children along...year 2007, here i come.