i failed!
gwyn failed her driving test today! but she's really grateful to all who have prayed for and with her. she's really upset...but she believes she'll be alright after a while. after all, such things (like a license) come only in God's timing, when He feels she's ready for it. for now...you guys can pray that she won't be upset for too long! =/
SS Camp 2008 testimony :)
“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:2) This instruction – for believers to teach others, who would go on to teach others – is necessary if we want our church to multiply spiritually. Therefore, it is with much joy, I praise and thank God for moving the hearts of the camp committee to make “Discipleship” and disciple-making our theme this year! Working together with a committee who shared a vision for born-again disciple-makers to learn and apply God’s Word in their lives, was a wonderful, edifying experience. It was encouraging to see the care and support given to one another, especially when most of us were struggling to cope with our busy school/work schedules, topped up with many other commitments.
This year’s camp was definitely a refreshing one, especially with all the new activities like taking the campers through the history of Christianity in Singapore on the “Amazing (g)race”, teaching them practical Quiet Time skills, giving each camper some private time to reflect on their walk with God during “Prayer Labyrinth”, and allowing them to experience what it is like to live as believers in countries facing persecution through the simulated “Underground Church”…all of which I benefited from too, even as a mentor.
I thank God for the privilege of being a mentor and friend to the group, “Philip”. It always brings joy to my heart to see the children and youths come to a decision to take Jesus as their Lord and Savior, or be assured of their salvation. Caring for the spiritual well-being of the young people God placed under my care, and challenging them to live their lives as true disciples of Jesus, was not an easy task, but I was often reminded that it is in my weakness that God’s strength is made perfect, and all I had to do was give my best and leave the results to Him.
Listening to Rev Goh’s messages on discipleship / disciple-making was really spiritually-refreshing! God has blessed Rev Goh with a teaching style that not only engages his audience, but also helps them to remember the lessons through the use of “live” illustrations, action songs, and various acronyms!
Though this year’s camp has come to an end, the committee believes that this is just the “appetizer” to our long-term plan to live as true disciples as well as help others do the same. I was greatly encouraged to see many of the Post O Level students commit to being understudy mentors this year and I pray that many more would follow their examples. It must have been not easy for them to be thrust into the job right away at their age, but they did a really wonderful job by the grace of God. It is my earnest prayer that all of us continue living out the “Great Commission” daily, sharing our faith and equipping others to do the same. I pray too, that the friendships forged would continue to grow so that we may all encourage one another in our walk with Him.
May all praise and glory go to our Heavenly Father Who truly deserves them! ☺
SS camp 2008 (day two)
"wait on the LORD, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD." Psalm 27:14
goodbye to my W910i
yesterday evening, while on the way home and back to pick up bananas along the way, i lost my hp. due to my carelessness, i had put my hp into my pocket (and the pocket of my brown bermudas is actually rather shallow) and it probably fell out while i was cycling. i've never cried despite losing my hp thrice before, but this time, i really cried non-stop the entire evening and so much that my eyes hurt till the next morning...i could let go of the hp since it's material possession, but i was extremely upset abt losing the many photos, sound recordings and smses that meant a lot to me and would have want to keep. on top of that, i was worried the photos would fall into wrong hands.
i thank God for the timely reminder from His word.
reading from Psalm 27, verse 14 spoke the loudest to me because it greatly comforted me. i was reminded and challenged to wait on the Lord to refresh, renew, and teach me, even when it seems He doesn't understand my situation or the urgency of it, like when i lost my hp...because i know deep down, that He really IS in control.
i thank God too, for the many friends and ss kids at camp who showed me their concern on knowing that i had lost my hp, and how they supported, showed empathy, encouraged and were there for me...special thanks to my 'cher who lent me her shoulder to cry on (i made a mess on it), my shelia dear for her warm tight hugs, alex for the (much) use of his hp and for trying to call mine, and yvonne, who offered to backtrack my route to trace for the phone :) i really appreciate your love and help :)
cf friends :)
introducing to you 3 very wonderful gentlemen who made my TP days really enjoyable, and well, took pretty good care of me. i'll remember how they'd simply call to meet up for a meal between classes, and how they never failed to encourage me spiritually :) so many things that i can still remember, but seriously...just too many for me to name one by one..!

from left: zhiwei, bala, me and timo :)
very thankful for these brothers-in-Christ who never fail to brighten my day each time i see them. it was the case back during TP days, and still the same today...i really thought it was very sweet of them to compromise and come over to JE library to meet up instead of making me go to city hall this afternoon (thank you guys!) a pity it's rare that we get to meet up since they live so far away from me! *sobs*
well, i didn't get to work on my assignments today, but no regrets at all. m really grateful to them for always being the ones to initiate meeting up and i thank them for spending the afternoon with me...i really really missed those CF days and i so thank God for the time of fellowship. looking forward to the next meet-up!
quick thanksgiving!
now's not exactly a great time for me to blog; m gng thru my busiest time of the year with all the assignment deadlines, preparation for sun sch camp (that's just a week away!), other church commitments as well as personal ones like tuition and time for family and friends. but here's just a very quick thanksgiving. i just checked my grade for a paper i wrote for my Hebrews module and i really m very grateful to God for it.
two weeks ago i submitted that paper, feeling very disheartened; i felt it was very badly done and i've never felt this bad about any other papers i've written. however, like i told 'cher, shelia dear, jasmine and yvonne, i won't be upset for long cos there's nothing i can do abt it besides entrusting the matter into God's hands. on top of this very badly written paper, whilst in chiangmai, i didn't do very well for an exam and i needed my assignments' grades to pull up my overall grade for my Hebrews module. God really is good to me...He gave me a very gracious tutor who read and graded my assignment way beyond my expectations. i was expecting a "perfect" fail. God decided it'd be a perfect score - a score i know i really don't deserve. may all praise and credit go to my Heavenly Father Who is not only full of wisdom and omniscient, but who loves and cares enough for me to bother abt the grades for my Hebrews assignment :)